Blogging with Babashka

The prolific @borkdude has inspired me to take a shot at blogging with babashka. I am using his approach as described here.

I've tweaked the code a bit so that I can run bb watch which

live.js polls the server with head requests and looks at headers like etag, last-modified and content-type to determine if the page should be reloaded.

It was interesting to learn that the babashka filewatcher pod is written in Rust.

This blog's source is here.

Published: 2021-12-14

GCP Load Balancer


I recently had to implement Cloud Armor which is a Web Application Firewall (WAF). I thought it would be pretty straight forward and could do it in a short period of time, but of course ended up taking a bit longer.

The original setup had a few Clojure services running off of App Engine; an API, a single page application (SPA) as well as the company's marketing site. We relied on App Engine custom domains and dispatch rules to route traffic to the appropriate service. Finally, there were two CDN enabled GCS buckets for various static resources. The buckets were already backend buckets connected to another load balancer.

Current URL scheme which we need to preserve: # targets the api service # targets the app service # targets the marketing-site service # targets 2 different backend buckets # targets the marketing-site service

In order to introduce Cloud Armor we have to setup several resources in GCP which is best done through something like Terraform or Pulumi; however, for this post we'll do it with gcloud.

Here's an inventory of what we'll need:

Traffic will arrive at the load balancer which hands the request to the associated https proxy. The https proxy takes care of TLS termination and consults the associated URL Map to determine which backend service should handle the request. The https proxy will then call the actual service.

Using App Engine, Cloud Run or Cloud Functions requires something called a serverless network endpoint group (NEG). A NEG is a configuration object used to point to an app engine service.

Serverless Network Endpoint Groups

Since www and the naked domain need to target the marketing-site service we have to create 3 different NEGs. If there were a 1:1 mapping between host and service we could have created one NEG with the flag --app-engine-url-mask=<service>

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create serverless-neg-api --region=us-east1 --network-endpoint-type=serverless --app-engine-service=api
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create serverless-neg-app --region=us-east1 --network-endpoint-type=serverless --app-engine-service=app
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create serverless-neg-www --region=us-east1 --network-endpoint-type=serverless --app-engine-service=marketing-site

Backend Services

Setup the backend services the load balancer will forward requests to. Three separate backend services are needed because each backend service can only have one serverless NEG per region.

gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-www --global --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL
gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-api --global --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL
gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-app --global --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL

gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-service-www --global --network-endpoint-group=serverless-neg-www --network-endpoint-group-region=us-east1
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-service-api --global --network-endpoint-group=serverless-neg-api --network-endpoint-group-region=us-east1
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-service-app --global --network-endpoint-group=serverless-neg-app --network-endpoint-group-region=us-east1

gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-api --protocol=HTTPS
gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-app --protocol=HTTPS
gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-www --protocol=HTTPS


This is a configuration file which tells the load balancer what hosts and/or paths to map to what backend. Create the url map and then import the full config from a file. Service dispatch is primarily based on the host, but a request to will also take into account the path and dispatch to the private-static-example-com backend bucket.

NB. A default service or default backend bucket is required.

The url-map-https.yaml file looks like:

kind: compute#urlMap
name: url-map-https
- hosts:
  - ''
  pathMatcher: api
- hosts:
  - ''
  pathMatcher: app
- hosts:
  - ''
  - ''
  pathMatcher: www
- hosts:
  - ''
  pathMatcher: static
- name: api
- name: app
- name: www
- name: static
  - paths:
    - /private/*

gcloud compute url-maps create url-map-https --default-service backend-service-www
gcloud compute url-maps import url-map-https --source url-map-https.yaml --quiet

SSL Policy

By default, the load balancer will accept TLS 1.0 and some weaker ciphers for the greatest client compatibility, but for many businesses this is not acceptable. In fact, application pen testing will flag the deprecated TLS versions and weak ciphers as an issue requiring remediation. The below configuration will earn an A letter grade from the SSL Server Test site as of July 2021.

gcloud compute ssl-policies create ssl-policy --profile RESTRICTED --min-tls-version 1.2

Static IP

Create the static IP and then get its value to input into DNS.

gcloud compute addresses create static-ip-ingress --ip-version=IPV4 --global
gcloud compute addresses describe static-ip-ingress --format="get(address)" --global

Google Managed SSL Certificate

gcloud compute ssl-certificates create ssl-certificate-global,,,, --global

Update DNS to point to the static IP which will be attached to the load balancer. The certificate won't be provisioned until after DNS entries are updated, but you can still reference the certificate in the subsequent commands.

SSL Proxy

gcloud compute target-https-proxies create https-proxy --ssl-certificates=ssl-certificate-global --ssl-policy=ssl-policy --url-map=url-map-https

Forwarding Rule

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create forwarding-rule-https --address=static-ip-ingress --target-https-proxy=https-proxy --global --ports=443

Cloud Armor Security Policy

Policies are attached to backends. A policy can be shared with multiple backends. However, each backend can only have one security policy. You'll have to configure the security policy for your needs, but the following is enought to activate Cloud Armor.

gcloud compute security-policies create security-policy-default

gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-api --security-policy security-policy-default --global
gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-app --security-policy security-policy-default --global
gcloud compute backend-services update backend-service-www --security-policy security-policy-default --global

Prevent Cloud Armor Bypass

By default App Engine will directly handle ingress from everywhere including the version specific URLs which bypasses Cloud Armor. App Engine service level ingress rules can be configured to allow access only from within the VPC and from the load balancers.

gcloud app services update app --ingress=internal-and-cloud-load-balancing
gcloud app services update api --ingress=internal-and-cloud-load-balancing
gcloud app services update marketing-site --ingress=internal-and-cloud-load-balancing

HTTPS Redirect

Without the https redirect, will result in a GCP 404 page. To fix this, create a url map for http traffic which will always perform a 301 redirect to the https equivalent.

The url-map-http.yaml file looks like:

kind: compute#urlMap
name: url-map-http
   redirectResponseCode: MOVED_PERMANENTLY_DEFAULT
   httpsRedirect: True

gcloud compute url-maps import url-map-http --source ./services/url-map-http.yaml
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create http-proxy --url-map=url-map-http --global
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create forwarding-rule-redirect-http --address=static-ip-ingress --target-http-proxy=http-proxy --global --ports=80

Compress Responses

The standard App Engine frontend automatically gzipped responses, but now the application server must provide a gzipped response. With Clojure Ring, there is ring-gzip-middleware. For Pedestal, it must be added to the ::http/container-options when configuring the service map. The org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.gzip.GzipHandler class will do all the hard work.

    (fn [c]
      (let[gh (GzipHandler.)
           methods (into-array ["GET" "POST" "PUT" "PATCH" "DELETE"])]
        (.addIncludedMethods gh methods)
        (doto c
          (.setGzipHandler gh))))}}


That should be everything. This is the preferred setup with App Engine instead of using custom domains and dispatch rules. This setup provides control over SSL policies and lets you configure a WAF. SSL policies are configurable via App Engine directly, but requires a GCP support plan, opening a support ticket and countless back and forth over their ticketing system. The App Engine team applies the changes perhaps once a month. If there are any misunderstandings as was the case with my ticket two months elapsed before the SSL policy was configured per our needs.


You can check the status of the ssl certificate with gcloud compute ssl-certificates list. Once it says ACTIVE for all your domains, try connecting to the sites. It might take several minutes for all the services and configurations to coalesce.

To delete a NEG use:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete serverless-neg-api --region=us-east1

The region must be specified since it was specified at creation time otherwise you'll see an error saying that the NEG doesn't exist.

To delete a backend service specify the --global flag gcloud compute backend-services delete backend-service-www --global

Published: 2021-07-15
